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Bross & Partners as a Contributor to the Chambers Trademarks and Copyright 2024 Global Practice Guide
(Ngày đăng: 2024-02-21)

Bross & Partners as a Contributor to the Chambers Trademarks and Copyright 2024 Global Practice Guide

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Bross & Partners is happy to be a selected contributor to the Chambers Trademarks and Copyright 2024 Global Practice Guide. The Guide provides the latest legal information on domestic law and international conventions/treaties as they apply to trademarks and copyright; ownership, terms of protection and registration of rights; authorship, collective works, and copyright management systems; opposition, revocation, and cancellation procedures; assignment and licensing of rights; initiating a lawsuit; remedies; and appeals.


To access Vietnam chapter and/or the entire guide online, please use the following link:

Trade Marks & Copyright 2024 - Vietnam | Global Practice Guides | Chambers and Partners

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